As to the original question are CFL's any better...on the whole I would have to say the answer is "yes". Everyone has definately pointed out some important aspects. Current trends are making CFL's "all the rage" but market forces are drifting into a "sag"....(more on that later).
First off CFL's help out with the overall footprint, first and reducing DEMAND. Most people don't consider what demand trully is....but if you are in the (distibution or generating) industry 5 PM on a weekday on a hot summer day can be a source of stress. ISO (Independant System Operators) the unsung backbone of the power grid trully do an amazing job keeping the lights on...and most people take it for granted. When "peak shaving" gets called upon to lighten the load...the equation gets tricky. This is the biggest reason utilities "subsidize" CFL's for instance. Putting the mercury issue aside for a moment and quoting a previous poster citing how much the wattage use drops, when you multiply that times thousands of really is a benefit. Not having to "call upon" natural gas fired peak shaving saves $$$.
If you ever ponder the question of PV on your house...or why they should be on every home on:
Unfortunately, we as a "technologically hungry society" have offset the "good" by having every "fancy gizzmo known to man" that draw "standby power". In a recent article, an administrator for ISO New England referenced to this "People don't think of the bigger picture, over the years, we have made tremendous strides towards saving energy but the items we have today in the home have offset any gain". I don't have the article "handy" and can't quote directly...BUT it was mentioned that all the "standy use" items we have, from COMPUTERS to modems to cell phone chargers...plasma TV's...even down to those blinking clocks (How many times have they been mentioned them on the forum???) all "put a strain" on the system. How many "Power supplies do you have in your home? and how often do you unplug them???" I'll be the first to say "Guilty"...I don't unplug my cell phone charger when not in Maybe it's not something you and I should be overly worried about... but there are people who do. Perhaps in the not to far off future... someone will make a fortune when the design a "feasible" home energy management system...but I won't take any bets on it... lol
The mercury question??? Ultimately, the enviroment isn't going to benefit much until the "powers that be" pass legislation along the lines of "Bring it back to the store where you bought it and they will dispose of it" kinda like the way "waste oil" is treated in this state. IMHO if there was a "refundable deposit" on would be that much better. Until there is a "movement" started "by the people" where collectively we agree on whats best for the planet market forces will prevail. Call it "G3(Geo Global Green)" Looks like I just came up with a blog
People are slowly starting to "Think globally and act locally" but everything takes time. If people really looked at what goes into a landfill they would "accelerate their efforts". The amount of mercury in flourescents in general has been sharply curtailed to say the least. Ever wonder why the ends of a four foot T-12 lamp are green in color??? With everything that goes into a landfill...mercury is the least of our worries.
While the fact that CFL's being used is great news... we could very easily do better. In the late 80's and early 90's, (working in the trade) there was a "new rage" that sadly fell by the wayside. It was the predecessor of the CFL... they called it "PL's". They were IMHO the best idea ever...but quickly abandoned. I don't even want to imagine the dynamics of the market forces. The beauty of the PL was it was "size capable"... It comes in many size ranges 3 watts and up... 11 & 13 probably the most popular. A lot of fixtures were manufactured (geared towards commercial apps.) to use PL's and retrofit kits were available. Seven or eight years ago I bought an adapter and bulb for like $7 at HD for the basement. I use the basement quite frequently...more than most people "kinda like a hallway". Being lazy I never wired up a decent switching arangement because the vast array of 4-foot lighting I turn on and off from the circuit breaker. Easiest way until I thought up a decent switching plan for the lights... I thought it would be nice to have a "steady burn fixture", something I could leave on 24/7 to walk out to the truck etc. I have been through 3 bulbs in seven, almost eight years, adapter is fine...and when I got bored in code class...I figured out with a five watt bulb it costs like $2.46 a year to be on all the time. Yeah...I'm sold on the PL concept. Thats probably why HD doesn't carry them
The basic beauty of a PL is about equal to CFL but you only buy the electronic "once". If the industry was serious about saving the enviroment...they would separate the bulb from the base. But hey... "Gotta make a profit". lol