I am new to the site however have been a frequent reader over the past year in which I have learned a lot. This past winter was the first year having a woodstove so as you can imagine I had a lot of questions which were all answered just by searching this forum so thank you. Last week I had the first bird get in the chimney and actually all the way into the stove. I have a 316 6" Ventis Class A chimney with the clean out T at the bottom. After getting the bird out, I put a temporary screen over my chimney cap to prevent future birds over the spring and summer. A better way in my opinion to prevent birds would be to push my chimney brush up from the bottom, all the way to the top and just put the T-cap on and leave it in there. When its time to burn again, just pull the brush out and you are good to go. I would put a dummy note inside the stove just for a reminder. Its a poly brush, so I wouldn't have to worry about it rusting and creating a mess. Also the chimney could still breath since this wouldn't totally block it off, in return creating condensation by temperature changes. In my opinion this would be a slick prevention method, but obviously I type all this because I would like to hear others opinions and whether they think its a good idea or not. The chimney was plenty expensive so I don't want to do anything that could damage it in any way. Thanks in advance for the responses.