Thank you all. I really took the advice in the forum and came to the conclusion that the Attack would be a solid choice. I tried to go the Vedolux route but that was unfortunately out of budget. Now I have to go through the approval with my town and updatemy insurance company.
On average what type of increase do you see with the insurance premiums? I also need to start sourcing the parts. Someone previously stated getting top quality parts and make sure the installer knows what he/she are doing.
Im waiting on pricing for Attack storage tanks. If they are too pricey I will look into repurposed 250-333 gallon propane tanks. I want my tanks standing tall rather than flat.
Thank you all again for your advice. Hopefully the system performs.
On average what type of increase do you see with the insurance premiums? I also need to start sourcing the parts. Someone previously stated getting top quality parts and make sure the installer knows what he/she are doing.
Im waiting on pricing for Attack storage tanks. If they are too pricey I will look into repurposed 250-333 gallon propane tanks. I want my tanks standing tall rather than flat.
Thank you all again for your advice. Hopefully the system performs.