burning itself out. i came down the other morning and the stove was running but only pushing unburnt coal down into pan. tonight took combustion air blower that blows air under grates off and cleaned about two years worth of crap outta it. blows awesome now so restarted stove with a mouse and bam hour later went out again. this time it burnt the belt of coal up almost to the top then went out. emptied my 100 lbs hopper and cleaned out above pusher bar and now just sitting and watching pusher bar push coal down belt before starting again in hopes there was to much ashy crap around pusher bar area. anyone ever have this issue? Relit just now and gonna wait until it burns for about an hour to see if it keeps going. Plenty of air blowing through holes, brand new nylon motor unit last year which worked fined, emptied hopper and cleaned all fines out and watched n put pressure on pusher bar which worked fine even watch coal for half hour being pushed down belt fine. I did notice the back left nylon screw hanging out a little bit n actually looks melted a little but that only makes pusher bar slightly uneven but still pushes fine. Woke up to no orange this morning. Went out again. The pic of coals looks like build up in the middle but it did push coal down through belt, in burnt of course. Also I see inside the pusher area in back there is a plastic screw n it looks melted a bit. from what I understand it only keeps bar straight. Even cocked slightly though it pushes coal down. Honestly could it be electronics cause I opened a Honeywell box on back and when I push this little button thing down it turns pusher and combustion unit on. Thermostat makes it turn on also without assistance but thinking maybe that electronic piece doesn't always tell it to do its thing cause I thought combustion turns itself on every so often to keep coals lit. Help someone.