I was wondering what I was going to see when I opened the storage tank after 10 years of use, I suspected I would see something that looked similar to "the eggplant that ate Chicago" because I thought I was seeing what looked like a semi transparent snot in the sight glass' I was pleasantly surprised to see that the water was crystal clear with a thin coating of darker sediment on the bottom. It turned out that what I saw in the sight glass was a lime deposit.
Although I had a snorkel piped to the outside through the sill for expansion I never needed to add much water over the years. I would have thought I would have had more evaporation. The boiler water was also quite clean.
I was able to get the tank outside with the help of my lazy brother in law but the boiler is shoved to the side on blocks out of the way of my plumbing Job.
Anybody want to buy them? EKO is in pristine condition and stainless tank contains 200 feet of copper coil.