Tonight I cleaned the glass and burnpot, which I do every 2-3 days. Well first thing I noticed was something melted to the front in 3 spots, and the GF's kid admitted to standing too close and melting her leggings onto the glass, which resulted in a talk. But what I also noticed behind one of the spots, only on the inside of the glass, near the middle left, was what looks like a horizontal scratch about 3/4" long. Hopefully a scratch, but could it be the start of a crack from if she pushed her knee against it? It's only on the inside surface, doesn't go through or even deep. I'm concerned because I don't know how this glass behaves. Is this even possible, or would it have cracked fully through, or most of the way across, or shattered, if it had been exposed to pressure? I've been keeping an eye on it and no change. I can go to work and replace it with a piece of steel if needed for now.
I'm hoping it's just coincidence from the previous time I cleaned it. Now when I clean it, first I let the stove, glass, burnpot, get cool to the touch. Then I lightly push off the excess ash with a wooden paint stir stick. Then I dip a crumpled warm wet newspaper in the stove ash and wipe it off, keep turning it until nice and clean and dry. I'm hoping perhaps I grabbed a bit of something slightly abrasive.
And if it is a scratch, should I be concerned with it being weakened, and polish it out with something?
I had the woodstove all those years but never had to clean the glass so it never got a close examination, and never had a problem with it either. I just would burn it hot and it would burn itself clean. Common sense said not to hit it with anything or force it onto logs that didn't fit.
I'm hoping it's just coincidence from the previous time I cleaned it. Now when I clean it, first I let the stove, glass, burnpot, get cool to the touch. Then I lightly push off the excess ash with a wooden paint stir stick. Then I dip a crumpled warm wet newspaper in the stove ash and wipe it off, keep turning it until nice and clean and dry. I'm hoping perhaps I grabbed a bit of something slightly abrasive.
And if it is a scratch, should I be concerned with it being weakened, and polish it out with something?
I had the woodstove all those years but never had to clean the glass so it never got a close examination, and never had a problem with it either. I just would burn it hot and it would burn itself clean. Common sense said not to hit it with anything or force it onto logs that didn't fit.