I ran into a snag with my chimney. The 15 degree offset kit that I bought won't allow me to gain enough offset before I run out of height in my attic.
I'm having a heck of a time finding anybody that stocks the SuperVent products locally, and the ones I found don't carry the 30 degree kit. I thought about buying another 15 degree kit and putting two elbows at each end, but I need the offset to be as compact as possible, and I would gain too much height from the elbows that way. I'm also not wild about the idea of adding more joints than I absolutely have to have in my chimney system.
Menard's and Lowe's are both telling me that it will be 3 weeks for them to special order the kit for me!! Ouch! I want this thing up and running! I'm tired of heating with liquid gold!
Do any of you guys know any dealers who stock the Selkirk Supervent 30 degree offset kit? The item number is JSC6*SE3K.
I'm looking for reputable online dealers, or a dealer who would take a phone order and ship me the kit at a reasonable price.
I'm having a heck of a time finding anybody that stocks the SuperVent products locally, and the ones I found don't carry the 30 degree kit. I thought about buying another 15 degree kit and putting two elbows at each end, but I need the offset to be as compact as possible, and I would gain too much height from the elbows that way. I'm also not wild about the idea of adding more joints than I absolutely have to have in my chimney system.
Menard's and Lowe's are both telling me that it will be 3 weeks for them to special order the kit for me!! Ouch! I want this thing up and running! I'm tired of heating with liquid gold!
Do any of you guys know any dealers who stock the Selkirk Supervent 30 degree offset kit? The item number is JSC6*SE3K.
I'm looking for reputable online dealers, or a dealer who would take a phone order and ship me the kit at a reasonable price.