Duravent Pellet pro Quick Release Adapter 3PVP-ADS

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New Member
Oct 30, 2023
Greetings group hopeful of a solution for quick detachment and cleaning of the pellet pipe
I purchased a Duravent pellet pro Quick Release Adapter 3PVP-ADS and installed it without silicone sealant.
It has a pretty beefy o-ring along with the hose clamp and I thought I got it on there good.
However its leaking smoke.
The instructions are light on info, does anyone know if these require silicone RTV sealant?
Thanks in advance
(broken link removed to https://duravent.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/PVP_L820_03-23-20.pdf)

[Hearth.com] Duravent Pellet pro Quick Release Adapter 3PVP-ADS
Any install of an appliance adapter that I’ve done, I’ve always used silicone and have never had an issue with leaks.
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The radiator clamps are made more for rubber not metal.
The perfectly round on the inside T-Bolt clamp and stove adapter is made for metal and is what I use.
See pics in link below.
You can also add high temp foil tape too but 4” diameter venting has less pressure on the seems so it had less leakage problems than 3” venting and the pellet stove breathes better especially for the higher BTU stoves! 🔥
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Or high temp silicone, self sticking, tape - easy on, easy off if needed. I have better luck with this type of tape than the foil tape. Since I'm a spaz when I installed foil tape I would always end up with creases, which also acts as a tiny gap.

I've use Xtreme tape as well as Nashua tape and both work well. Bonus is it comes in different colors. I have one stove with silver pipe and one stove with black pipe so have used the black and "clear".
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Thank you all for the replies. I added some hi-temp silicone to the adapter and my 2nd test revealed its the entire clean out-T leaking. Which is unfortunate as its brand new but I am glad the stove is no longer leaking as I just re-did its exhaust system. It is a tight fit between the T and the rest of the pipe and all the joints except the clean-out have silicone & 3M foil tape. Is it typical that then entire T needs to be sealed or wrapped in tape?
Thank you all for the replies. I added some hi-temp silicone to the adapter and my 2nd test revealed its the entire clean out-T leaking. Which is unfortunate as its brand new but I am glad the stove is no longer leaking as I just re-did its exhaust system. It is a tight fit between the T and the rest of the pipe and all the joints except the clean-out have silicone & 3M foil tape. Is it typical that then entire T needs to be sealed or wrapped in tape?

My T is wrapped at the cap along with the actual T-portion and connection points. I also wrap elbows. I haven't met one that didn't leak (others have, but I haven't).

[Hearth.com] Duravent Pellet pro Quick Release Adapter 3PVP-ADS
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Thanks for the info.
I ended up sealing the outside of the T with a coating of 500°F silicone only since I had a open tube of it, and it seems to be sealed now.
I thought the whole purpose of the new (broken link removed to https://duravent.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Quick-Release-Adapter_PVP_March2014-1.pdf) and the (broken link removed to https://duravent.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Bulletin_PelletVentPro_Tees_02-28-18-1.pdf) and would not need to be taped and sealed with silicone, but perahps its just the seams of the T that need to be sealed and not the clean-out cap on the bottom.

I looked in the (broken link removed to https://duravent.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/DV_PVP_CT-001E_08-23.pdf)for the "perfectly round on the inside T-Bolt clamp" adapter that Don2222 mentioned but did not see it so perhaps its another brand of pipe?

[Hearth.com] Duravent Pellet pro Quick Release Adapter 3PVP-ADS
I looked in the (broken link removed to https://duravent.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/DV_PVP_CT-001E_08-23.pdf)for the "perfectly round on the inside T-Bolt clamp" adapter that Don2222 mentioned but did not see it so perhaps its another brand of pipe?
My post does show the Duravent Pro appliance adapter but the T-Bolt is a separate part and comes from a hardware outlet.
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