I responded to an add on Craigslist to go in on a truckload of Pellets, for North of Boston. The brand is Eden and I did search this site and most people said they burned hot, but were dusty, and some had concerns that they were being manufactured with some plastic in them. At any rate, there was no talk of them for this season and I was wondering if anyone has burned them this past winter.
Also in my search it looked like Jay was going to test them, but never found out if he did, or Macman for that matter. I will be able to pick up a few bags, but am concerned with the content of the pellets.
Price will be $245 a ton. Let me know what you all think. Thanks!
Also in my search it looked like Jay was going to test them, but never found out if he did, or Macman for that matter. I will be able to pick up a few bags, but am concerned with the content of the pellets.
Price will be $245 a ton. Let me know what you all think. Thanks!