We are really heating now, not just making the room warm, we are heating the whole house. My wood this year is much better than last years and it shows, better species and better seasoning. I really took the time to do it right....thanks in part to you fine people. Anyway, now that I'm loading the stove to full capacity, after the normal hot burn period (10 minutes) on a fresh load I reduce the air supply in steps until it's shut full off. The fire itself looks normal....dancing blue flames with wisps of yellow feeding the burning cloud around the tubes. The glass is clean and really, everything seems great but even when set to low (full off) at the damper I get up to 600-650 on my rutland thermometer which I believe to give a high reading. This reading will be maintained for a good 3 hours and then will slowly drop, I'm getting 10 hours on a load and at that point the whole bottom of the stove is a coal bed. Again, I'm burning the best oak, maple and birch I've ever had, the burn tubes are active within minutes of reloading, everything seems perfect. What gives, what would happen if I left the damper open just a little, surface temps would go even higher which would be a little scary?
How does this compare with other Equinox and Hearthstone stoves users out there. I'm chalking it up to really good wood and I'm happy and warm. I am on the other hand concerned that if I wasn't paying attention even for just a few minutes things could really get heated up.
How does this compare with other Equinox and Hearthstone stoves users out there. I'm chalking it up to really good wood and I'm happy and warm. I am on the other hand concerned that if I wasn't paying attention even for just a few minutes things could really get heated up.