I'm a daily Craigslist cruiser, most recently looking for a 60cc pro saw to replace my 455 Rancher. Stumbled upon a poorly written add for a 562XP. Said it was never used and came with extra "wheel"... I emailed the owner and he said he was his listing the saw for his father. The picture looked good, but the dialogue between me and the son was strange, and it was a 4 hour round trip. He had the ad up for $500 - Offered $400 and said I would come look immediately. Well... When I got there I was pleasantly surprised. Brand spankin new 562XP with 20" bar/chain (the chain was on backwards), brand new 20" spare bar (the expensive kind with replaceable tip), 2 chisel chains, the manual, and a pair of brand new chaps... I'm pretty excited about this deal as I normally don't get the best quality stuff of craigslist. What do you guys think?
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