Bought a fireplace insert, Baker coal, will do install myself due to no$$$$,when insert was delivered dealer checked fireplace said heatalator must be removed ✓what behind it took out it out red brick about 6" behind heatalator outer most panel area between panel & brick seems when house was built they filled that area with stones scrap brick ,broken brick and areas of fiberglass insulationi I've removed all loose fiberglass and a few spots you can see the red brick . How much repair is needed to fireplace to be ready f/insert ,I plan to fill all spots where fiberglass was removed to make walls uniform thickness. As insert covers fireplace opening my concern is safety not how interior looks. I guesstimate 6" to 8" clearance most likely more from insert to interior fireplace wall. any other suggestions from professionals or those who have experience or have comments that might be relevant are most appreciated.I'm determined to do my part to break our dependence on foreign oil.What are the cons to using occaisional wood? I'm entertaining ideas for domestic hot water ,considering on demand electric hot water heater ,don't want gas .Thought about solar f/hot water, panels to run elec hot water heater or direct solar to heat water is this possible any comments cheerfully accepted and appreciated.I'm new to this forum so if my questions are in the wrong section please redirect ....thanks