Bought few bags of Blazers at of all places, HD.. Same price as lower ends stuff.
had no room with 5 tons in the basement but with 9200btu's and no ash[Almost] was so Impressed with them I went back day or so later bought 35 bags and crammed them in next to the Oil burner. [Appropriate place don't ya think? Those Golden pellets are Energex 0.5 ash but I think the blazers are even less..]
had no room with 5 tons in the basement but with 9200btu's and no ash[Almost] was so Impressed with them I went back day or so later bought 35 bags and crammed them in next to the Oil burner. [Appropriate place don't ya think? Those Golden pellets are Energex 0.5 ash but I think the blazers are even less..]