I have a delima which I hope can be solved by some input here...we live in a small town where the county allows one EPA Cert FP per home, except our little town does not??? We are building a home this summer and do not want to condem the home to never having a wood burner, the town does allow a gas insert into a wood burner if the damper can be pinned open. We may/may not later remove the insert and unleash the damper to use the unit as a house heater. I have looked at the 7100FP, the NZ6000, FPX 44 and some Lenox- we will have two other gas FP's (Heat N Glow Passage) and a Travis unit in othr areas of the home. Can someone give advise to the delima of our desire to install the wood burner but to get by code will have to be modified as mentioned?
Thank You,
Thank You,