A saw that came with the house, and a two man carry log tongs I found in my dad's old shed
Box of just a few of my dad's old hammers. Nine ball peens. One inch drift punch. Stuff like that. If you ever saw his hands you would suspect that he'd have a few well used persuaders around. There are multiple sets of snap on tools from the 50s and 60s at my moms house still.
Towing tongs we found in the woods . Decorative now, but after a few more blacksmithing courses, who knows what they might become.
Box of just a few of my dad's old hammers. Nine ball peens. One inch drift punch. Stuff like that. If you ever saw his hands you would suspect that he'd have a few well used persuaders around. There are multiple sets of snap on tools from the 50s and 60s at my moms house still.
Towing tongs we found in the woods . Decorative now, but after a few more blacksmithing courses, who knows what they might become.