Was working on the new hearth yesterday morning for a bit before heading out in the big rig.
I heard something fall on the floor in the bedroom (adjacent room to where the nerw hearth is.)
My working and nailing and such had caused a picture to fall off the wall and it landed on my laptop computer.
I use the laptop for watching DVD's in the eavening in bed.
Well that bloody picture landed corner first on the laptops cover and cracked the LCD screen.
So now the laptop is all apart on the diningroom table and a good used screen is on its way from an ebay auction
Cost me $70 for a good used LCD screen.
Computer was $1800 back in 2003 and I hate to loose it.
AAAAARRRRRG just my luck.
Never have worked on a laptop before, built a lot of desktop Pc's though.
Took all of about 10 minutes to get the screen out. The new one should arrive in a day or so.
SO a word to the wise. When your installing your new stove, make sure there are not things gonna fall off the walls.
I heard something fall on the floor in the bedroom (adjacent room to where the nerw hearth is.)
My working and nailing and such had caused a picture to fall off the wall and it landed on my laptop computer.
I use the laptop for watching DVD's in the eavening in bed.
Well that bloody picture landed corner first on the laptops cover and cracked the LCD screen.
So now the laptop is all apart on the diningroom table and a good used screen is on its way from an ebay auction
Cost me $70 for a good used LCD screen.
Computer was $1800 back in 2003 and I hate to loose it.
AAAAARRRRRG just my luck.
Never have worked on a laptop before, built a lot of desktop Pc's though.
Took all of about 10 minutes to get the screen out. The new one should arrive in a day or so.
SO a word to the wise. When your installing your new stove, make sure there are not things gonna fall off the walls.