This is the only photo of my new Oakwood I can load right now, the others are too big. I'll try to re-size and load the others later. I'm most proud of the hearth pad I built, it's a nice slate tile that goes well with the rustic look of the room and the Oakwood.
That blue pan with the cider-colored liquid is some concoction my wife came up with to moisturize the house, and make it smell like apple pie. It works! (when you put it ON the stove).
Be sure to click on the image to get a BIG view of it! You can see the baseboard heaters that will NOT get used this year, if I can help it. The windows behind are great for letting in fresh air when the stove gets too hot. I usually leave one window open 1" or so for a source of fresh combustion air. Works great!
That blue pan with the cider-colored liquid is some concoction my wife came up with to moisturize the house, and make it smell like apple pie. It works! (when you put it ON the stove).
Be sure to click on the image to get a BIG view of it! You can see the baseboard heaters that will NOT get used this year, if I can help it. The windows behind are great for letting in fresh air when the stove gets too hot. I usually leave one window open 1" or so for a source of fresh combustion air. Works great!