So the last few nites and mornings have been at 30 32 deg , I have had the Hearitage going 24 7. I don't seem to be getting the heat I think I should. The house is 20 x 40 , 2 story around 1300 sq ft. Stove is at the stairwell . Loaded it with Silver Maple ai 10:00 last nite had good bed of coals this morning. Loaded with Doug Fir than closed air down , two hrs later it's in coaling stage the stove top is at 425 deg and 67 deg in house . The blower is stupid noisey so don't use. Is there anything I'm doing wrong? I seem to get good secondary burn . It is now 11: 53 and I am on my third load sense around 5:30 one load of Doug fir and two of silver maple. Seems like a lot ?
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