So, I found a deal on a few Hearthstone II's on Craigslist. The ad said 1 complete stove, and 1 parts stove, so naturally, I got excited. I called the guy, and made arrangements to see the stoves expecting the worst. Both stoves were completely burnt out, but whole, complete stoves-bonus! The guy was pretty crafty, and made a side plate, and back plate for one of the stoves, using 1/4" plate steel, as well as a 1/4" steel baffle he had bent up. We made a deal, and I loaded up the stoves, and took them home.
If you have followed any of my other builds, you know I completely tear down, and rebuild these. These are no exception, and will receive the same treatment. Then, they will be put up for sale, so YOU can buy them.
Tear down started the other day. I ripped 1 down, and inventoried the good, and bad parts.
The 1st one is completely torn down, bottom sandblasted/painted. I am in the cutting stones, and gathering parts phase now.
thanks for looking...
If you have followed any of my other builds, you know I completely tear down, and rebuild these. These are no exception, and will receive the same treatment. Then, they will be put up for sale, so YOU can buy them.
Tear down started the other day. I ripped 1 down, and inventoried the good, and bad parts.
The 1st one is completely torn down, bottom sandblasted/painted. I am in the cutting stones, and gathering parts phase now.
thanks for looking...
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