I just found your site and I've been looking around trying to find information on a wood stove I'm considering.
Has anyone had any experience with a Kuma Tamarack?
We need to buy a wood stove to replace our oil heat which is becoming too expensive. We already have an old cast iron cook stove in our kitchen but it doesn't easily get the heat to the rest of the house and it is very inefficient. I am very open to suggestion for a wood stove that will heat approximately 1500 sq feet. I want to avoid anything that will require much in the way of replacement parts. I am not fussy about looks, I just want something that works great and lasts!
Has anyone had any experience with a Kuma Tamarack?
We need to buy a wood stove to replace our oil heat which is becoming too expensive. We already have an old cast iron cook stove in our kitchen but it doesn't easily get the heat to the rest of the house and it is very inefficient. I am very open to suggestion for a wood stove that will heat approximately 1500 sq feet. I want to avoid anything that will require much in the way of replacement parts. I am not fussy about looks, I just want something that works great and lasts!