OK, my marriage really isn't in danger, but my wife and I are butting heads on this issue and I need all the help I can get.
We just purchased a house that has two beautiful fireplaces. The upstairs one is 39" wide and my wife wants a gas insert and I want wood. The house has an efficient geothermal system, and heating cost really isn't a big issue, of course any reduction in that cost is a good thing. We have 10 acres of hardwoods, so a nice supply of wood. We plan on completely redoing the surround and the floor. The fireplace would probably see use 2-5 days a week, I'm sure we won't keep it going 24/7. Mainly in the evenings or when we're home on the weekends. I'll summarize our arguments and points of concern.
1) gas is clean. The pieces of bark and wood chips that come from storing wood near the hearth are a major concern for her. She is very neat and does not want to constantly clean up around the fireplace. The wall above the fireplace is stained with smoke and she hates that. We will be repainting, but she doesn't want that to happen again.
2) gas is easy. She has no desire to start a fire and she would never build a fire if I wasn't home. Between you and me I doubt that she would turn on a gas fireplace either.
3) gas is more aesthetically pleasing. You can have decorative logs, crystals, balls, etc in a gas fireplace. The wood inserts we've looked at have relatively small viewing areas. She says it's a shame to cover such a large fireplace with a bunch of metal and a small piece of glass, and I agree.
1) gas is boring. enough said
2) I enjoy gathering wood and building fires. I know I'm preaching to the choir, but there's something romantic about building and maintaining a fire
3) we have an endless supply of wood
Help me out here, point me to a wood insert that has a large viewing area and meets her aesthetic demands. We've looked at the enerzone destination 2.3, and napoleon epi3 so far. Originally I was looking at only flush inserts, but I'm open to anything.
Thanks a ton!
We just purchased a house that has two beautiful fireplaces. The upstairs one is 39" wide and my wife wants a gas insert and I want wood. The house has an efficient geothermal system, and heating cost really isn't a big issue, of course any reduction in that cost is a good thing. We have 10 acres of hardwoods, so a nice supply of wood. We plan on completely redoing the surround and the floor. The fireplace would probably see use 2-5 days a week, I'm sure we won't keep it going 24/7. Mainly in the evenings or when we're home on the weekends. I'll summarize our arguments and points of concern.
1) gas is clean. The pieces of bark and wood chips that come from storing wood near the hearth are a major concern for her. She is very neat and does not want to constantly clean up around the fireplace. The wall above the fireplace is stained with smoke and she hates that. We will be repainting, but she doesn't want that to happen again.
2) gas is easy. She has no desire to start a fire and she would never build a fire if I wasn't home. Between you and me I doubt that she would turn on a gas fireplace either.
3) gas is more aesthetically pleasing. You can have decorative logs, crystals, balls, etc in a gas fireplace. The wood inserts we've looked at have relatively small viewing areas. She says it's a shame to cover such a large fireplace with a bunch of metal and a small piece of glass, and I agree.
1) gas is boring. enough said
2) I enjoy gathering wood and building fires. I know I'm preaching to the choir, but there's something romantic about building and maintaining a fire
3) we have an endless supply of wood
Help me out here, point me to a wood insert that has a large viewing area and meets her aesthetic demands. We've looked at the enerzone destination 2.3, and napoleon epi3 so far. Originally I was looking at only flush inserts, but I'm open to anything.
Thanks a ton!