You all helped me out on my last install and now I have another question for you all. I just bough a small wood burning stove (used) that I plan on insatlling on the other side of my house then the first stove. Honestly it will be mostly for looks as it is sort of has a cool antiquey look to it, but I would like to fire it up if need be. Anyway the place where the stove pipe hooks to the stove is an oval it measures 7"x 3" on the inside of the exhaust hole. Where can a guy get an adapter of this shape that will then convert to either a 6" or 8" stove pipe to head on up to the chimney. BTW on the back of the stove it says "parlor stove" made in taiwan the fire box part of it measures 19"x10" so its pretty small. I am fairly handly and could possibly make the adaptor of need be. Thanks for helping