I have just installed my used hampton HI300. I also replaced the door gasket before installing. Reading the manual and comments online i used washers as spacers till i got the door to pass the dollar bill test. The door latch is very "rough" when closing, it feels as though it is gauling hard on the surface. I looked at the insert at my local wood stove shop and they had a lubericant on the pin. Would the below lubercant be acceptable to use here? I asked the guy at the shop what they used and he didn't know, only that it came from the factory lubed up.
Permatex 80078
http://www.amazon.com/Permatex-80078-Anti-Seize-Lubricant-Bottle/dp/B000AAJTXY/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1443369282&sr=8-1&keywords=graphite paste
Permatex 80078
http://www.amazon.com/Permatex-80078-Anti-Seize-Lubricant-Bottle/dp/B000AAJTXY/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1443369282&sr=8-1&keywords=graphite paste
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