Well I thought in the beggining the Homelite 42cc 18" would be good enough. Well I know now that it isn't. After 2 weeks cutting the oiler clogged up caught it without any chain damage. But what a crap design. I decided to look at good saws so I went to my local jonsered dealer who schooled me sold me a new chain cleaned up old saw and educated me alot. I was going to buy a saw from him but Tractor supply had a Husqvarna 340 for 199.00.That was returned looked like someone cut down 1 tree and returned it. Wow what a difference I sharpen clean and reverse bar after every session and what a saw. The new ones at the store (Tool Free) looked much cheaper that the 340. I feel sort of bad by not buying a Jonsered from the guy but I did pay him 52.00 for the work he did. I found out I have a Husqy dealer 1 mile away so I will go to hime for parts ect.. IMHO most big box stores do a big disservice selling sub par saws that most folks don't even know how to use. I'm retired military so I believe in maintenance. I also believe in safety have chaps, helmet, Glove and steel toe boots. THis Forum has been a great help and thanks to all I now have a couple of saws to use to clear my 2 acres of woods and am cutting out all the standing deadwood that burns well. BTW First year burner and saw user and doing great with my Quad 4300.