Homeowner's Insurance

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Hearth Supporter
Nov 3, 2023
New Jersey
I know that a lot of folks have already commented about some new homeowners insurance requirements for fireplace, flue, and chimney maintenance for this year, but man I feel like they are getting strict about a lot of things!

House I'm in now has a proper framed out shed that we obviously want covered as a structure, yada yada. We have another shed. It existed when we moved in but that's how it goes. Insurance did not like it. I get it, the siding was rough so we stripped it down to studs and a roof. It has nothing in it and the overall structure is fine (to us). We wanted to use it for seasoning firewood. It's a perfect little wood shed and I'd have to do no work!

Anyway, my two options from the insurance are to either rebuild it (siding required, door required, new roof) or tear it down. Tearing it down would require fence work since it acts as a part of the fence. We have 3 weeks to do it before we get the cancellation notice. Best part, all of this review is done via photos. I asked if somebody could come out and show me what exactly is wrong but nope.

People have jobs to do, I get it, but man I feel like it's getting stricter and stricter, and premiums are just going up and up. Anybody else experience anything like this? I'm not stranger to being called crazy but I was really caught off guard with these requirements and the time to complete them!
When a large company starts to get fussy in a way that make things difficult for a customer, sometimes the point is not the issue they are explicitly talking about. Sometimes they are just looking for an excuse to cancel the business relationship, perhaps for reasons that have nothing to do with the customer, e.g., internal business changes, changes to the local laws, etc. You might want to check with other insurance companies.
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I've learned that you have to shop every few years, and occasionally switch companies, just to keep 'em "honest"...sounds like its time
I've learned that you have to shop every few years, and occasionally switch companies, just to keep 'em "honest"...sounds like its time
I have found the same thing. I went years with the same broker and always got good service and a fair price.
Then she retired and my account went as an office account without any broker and every year they sent me
The company's bill without looking for discounts or any feedback. When I would question the bill I was told
to pay or they would cancel my insurance. So I started looking and low and behold almost 500$ less with
better coverage so now every 3 years I check with other companies for the best coverage at the best price
I also let the broker know I am looking and he works harder to keep my business.
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Try this on for size, home policy , last year they added a out building for 8K, this year listed as 61k, I am still trying to find said out building on my property. Oh, I did call broker on this , said it was included and that removal would not amount to much reduction? I haven't called direct yet, or maybe I should just make a claim because somehow that building has vanished. By the way I never have had an outbuilding at all except for my 40 ft container which i got late last year. Just got a quote on truck ,liability only, state min. 20 year old truck. Roughly half of what I am currently being charged bundeled with home. Another note abut Ins co. seems the underwriters will only go a roof less than 20 years old . Mine is 23, but they are 50 year shingles on a 7/12 pitch- they are 3/16 thick unlike most that i have seen of late that are paper thin. So no co will quote on home ins. Flustrating.
  • Wow
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Re: shopping around - for sure. I switched agents because my in-laws know a guy so a personal relationship helps. In my case, this was a new policy. My old insurance quit the homeowner's business in my state so I was left having to shop. Premium is really good, but they are, in my opinion, unrealistically strict. New agent basically said kiss the ring, but he'll try to see what we can bundle. Premiums are insane, which I knew.

Try this on for size, home policy , last year they added a out building for 8K, this year listed as 61k, I am still trying to find said out building on my property. Oh, I did call broker on this , said it was included and that removal would not amount to much reduction? I haven't called direct yet, or maybe I should just make a claim because somehow that building has vanished. By the way I never have had an outbuilding at all except for my 40 ft container which i got late last year. Just got a quote on truck ,liability only, state min. 20 year old truck. Roughly half of what I am currently being charged bundeled with home. Another note abut Ins co. seems the underwriters will only go a roof less than 20 years old . Mine is 23, but they are 50 year shingles on a 7/12 pitch- they are 3/16 thick unlike most that i have seen of late that are paper thin. So no co will quote on home ins. Flustrating.
This is crazy! Out of curiosity, and feel free not to answer if too personal, but how was this all done where they came up with what was on your property? Photos? Did someone come out? This is what gets me... nobody will come out and specifically tell me what exactly is wrong or what they don't like. And also, if they do come out, it better be when I know about it and not shady! I hear you about the roof. I need a new roof, and they quoted the new 50 year shingles which have become standard, according to them. But homeowners gives you a hard time 20 or more? Crazy! Reminds me of the chimney rules a lot of companies have now. Yearly inspections required, even though pros will say with proper care you won't need a cleaning and inspection for 2+. I get it, not everybody is a proper owner, but wow... and also hobbyists get screwed. A similar thing happened to my brother in law. He needs a new roof and IS A ROOFER. He does contract work, but he isn't allowed to do his own roof because he doesn't own his own company and can't invoice himself. I got a kick out of that one. He ended up getting the 30 day cancellation notice for noncompliance.
if your just using it as a wood shed just tell the insurance company to exclude that from your policy its done all the time. Insurance is getting ridiculous lately i had them years ago try to cancel my policy because my roof was 10 years old. I told them how can they cancel the roof coverage when it has a 50 year guarantee and im only in at 10 years., also told them that if they wanted the roof replaced then that falls under my insurance policy and they will be paying for it to get replaced. They changed their tune really quick and reinstated my roof coverage.
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Roof , it is not the ins co per say but their underwriters that are causing the 20 year thing. I have had underwriter problems before with my shop. Legalized **** of the consumer. Been through I/2 doz. plus internet, same reply. One quote I have for new roof- covering low to high, depending on the shingles had a range of $21,000 to $30,000, materials would be $5000 or less. ( roughly28-30squares)$16,000+ is a lot of labor for max of a 3 day job with 5 workers. So 5 bodies , 8 hr , 3 days is apx 120 hours at $35/hr= $4200. toss in a couple grand for incidentals and that is still $ 10,000 minimum profit. I highly doubt that the pay scale is $35 hr. I did roofing in the past so have some insight. Might take one day to strip the existing roof although that is not the way I did It. Kindof sectionalized things keeping an eye on weather.
Even Google over that last seven years has never shown one in their aerial views At a listed value of ( as long as I am paying ins on it) 61k , I guess they should replace the missing building . I would be tickled pink if that would happen ( one can dream eh?)
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Well, it seems like I was finally able to get through to someone and they backed off caring that I am using this shed as a wood shed. I am not entirely sure why it required me to essentially say "no, I'm not doing that" a half dozen times but it is what it is... I'm just glad I'm not alone in all the craziness!