OK, now that I got all of my issues resolved from last week (smoke & carbon monoxide in the house due to rain cap plugged with creosote) how hot should I be running my stove at all times? I have a magnetic thermometor sitting on top of the stove and it shows the proper burn temp as between 300-575ish. I have no problems maintaining this temp but my issues is that my 2000 sq ft house gets so stinking hot if I leave it in that range for long periods of time. Today it is 22 degrees F outside and right now it is 81 in the living room and I don't even have a rip roaring fire going. We've had many days where the house sits at around 85 in the living room and the bedrooms farthest from the stove sit in the high 70's. I love that it is nice and warm inside and the furnace isn't running but I hate sweating in my house in the winter (well not exactly winter yet). Anyway, how hot should I run the stove to maintain comfortable temps in the house and not run a risk of building up creosote in the flue?