Today I finally upgraded from my junky Poulan, to a Stihl MS-390. I had been researching the 290, 310, 390 and 361, but did not plan on purchasing for awhile. This morning I killed the bar on my Poulan so I told my wife that it was time for that new saw that I've been considering. As I was at the dealer, it was hard not to settle on the 361 as the weight and reviews are more favorable, but when it came down to it it was a little more than I wanted to spend. The dealer was great, he provided me with information and did not push my toward the more expensive purchase. For about $530.00 with tax I was out the door with my new saw and an extra chain. I put it straight to work on some maple I had taken down last week and of course I was impressed. I noticed an Oak, about 20 inches in diameter, just off my property line on some swamp land owned by the town. It's been uprooted and leaning into another tree, so I think that this weekends project is to rope that sucker, pull it down and go to town with the new saw. I can't wait to try the thing on some nice Oak! I'll keep you posted.