Brother Bart:
It was well scary up there at one point.
I had to carry up a 6 foot section over my shoulder....up the ladder...make my way up to where the chimney was coming out of the roof...brace myself and tip the section from my shoulder smack dab onto the existing section, which was almost chest high on me. It had to land perfectly on top or I was going to lose it. (you have to picture me at 5'6" and 130 pounds for the complete picture)
I survived and I am positive I simply got lucky.
Hot Coals:
Yes the glass stays crystal clear...the air wash seems to work well.
Charles 1981:
Ya, I like it as well, those euro folks have...what I consider...a good sense of style...(heard that on one of those deeeesign shows on the telebox)
Yes..technically you can put a 12" "log" in it...but that is probably pushing it a bit.
I bucked and split 4 cords in 10-11" sections and sure am glad I did as this gives enough room for the air to move around. The few pieces I put in that were longer suffered a bit of sluggishness until I put em diagonal in the box. So, it makes it a great odds and uglies burner as well. I can get tons of that stuff around here for free...probably dump trucks full of it actually.
I know most of you folks cringe at the thought of such small loads, but it is ideal for me actually. I don't want or need overnight burns, My home is small (at least to modern mindsets) at 800 sq feet. I have in floor radiant heat doing the bulk of the work keeping the house at a constant temp. AND! means I get to play with fire more often because the firebox needs wood every...45 minutes or so.
Which is cool cause I get to play with fire...and who doesn't like playing with fire?
Yup...she is a barrel stove in a tuxedo more or less....
I actually built a "stove" with a 55gallon drum...well it was one of those rocket mass heaters.
Worked great heating my temporary shelter (that turned into a two year temporary shelter) while I built my cottage
BIG though...and I didn't even do the whole heated bench thing and it still ate up a bunch of room, but it kept us from freezing to death.