Ive got a place I just bought in Feb and have been shopping for stoves. I had my heart set on the nc30 from overstock stoves and in July they stated they will have no inventory until October. I wanted to have my local installer already have my stove installed by early Oct or Sep at the latest. You see here there are only two dealers, both very busy and both very expensive. I hoped to get a better deal during the off months. So, both local stores and overstock stoves is out of stock until Fall is well into place, is there an alternative? Anyone know where I can get a nc30 or similar shipped or otherwise right now for a good price? Ive done some online searching but it seems I should have purchased the NC30 during march and just stored it I guess? Ugg if it gets to far out, Ill be burning propane at $3 a gallon to keep the wife happy, ouch. All my dead standing oaks I cut up this spring would be much cheaper.