VHi there. I just bought on Craigslist a wood burning insert that is a Quaker Monrovian. We are on a real tight budget and bought this one because it was cheap. Our main furnace is propane and it's just not looking affordable for us to use as our main heat source. I have been reading horror stories about these Quaker Monrovian's being illegal and other things. I have read that we should reline our chimney, but the kits are expensive and also, currently out of our budget. We really only need to make it through this winter then, we can afford the proper install, just trying not to freeze to death, burn my house down, or any other horrible things I have heard.
I have taken some pics of the plate on the stove, the stone face of my fireplace where the stove will sit and a pic of up the chimney as best as I could. Inside the chimney there is no flu or flapper, but what looks like metal hooks where one could go.
Please any advice would be much appreciated!
I have taken some pics of the plate on the stove, the stone face of my fireplace where the stove will sit and a pic of up the chimney as best as I could. Inside the chimney there is no flu or flapper, but what looks like metal hooks where one could go.
Please any advice would be much appreciated!