I had 200 tons of oak delivered from 100 plus year old trees verified by an arborist.My friend owns one of the largest construction companies in Ohio,and got a contract to repair streets and sidewalks in the city of Cleveland ,2400 specific locations. The trees were uprooting the sidewalks and highways.He had to hire a tree company with workmans comp and a 5 million dollar insurance policy.Unfortunately the neighbors in the specific neighborhoods have enjoyed the massive trees for years the shade and beauty.They were furious when the tree removal began and police had to be called.Can't say I blame them.Anyway the massive beasts were cut and hauled back to his facility where he then had them cut to length ,and then cut into workable sizes to handle with a huge excavator with a blade,they were broken in to pieces. Still many of the chunks weighed in excess of 500lbs. they were then hauled to my place in tri axle Mack trucks,each load weighed before going down the highway.These were delivered in April ,I have been working incessantly on days off to get this stuff at least split. I have many pictures to post.Many have expressed an interest in cashing in on this bonanza,here's how I handled it.I said come over when I'm off we will split 8 hours two piles piece per piece at the end of the day take what we've split 50/50. No takers as of yet. I look to have it all split in about ten days. It has been a challenge,the log rite,sledge ,pry bar,Fiskars ax and two chainsaws have helped.This is a lot of wood.Just a few hundred pounds north of 200 tons. Thank God I'm still strong this is no joke this undertaking.The city of Cleveland had it stipulated that a certified arborist identify each tree specie and age to enter into the archives of Cleveland. Some trees were estimated to be 140 years old. 95%red and white oak the rest ash and hard maple huge monsters they were also.