So my wife and I have been trying to find inexpensive triple wall pipe. Bit of an oxymoron I know. For the most part people have been listing stove pipe on facebook marketplace and craigslist with the size and that's it. No big deal, but when you refuse to send a picture and tell someone it is triple wall then it's not or they say its triple wall and I ask the brand they tell me it's something it is not. I mean if you can use craigslist or facebook you can look up a part number or a few pictures it really isn't that hard. I mean a mistake is a mistake but when they want to argue it is what it isn't then get pissed you don't buy it is a little over the top. Anyone else notice this or have had this happen? The best are the "premium hardwood firewood" for sale when it's pine or poplar or the latest "sleeping willow" Sorry but I'm just a bit aggravated by it all.