Is this a wood destroying insect?

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Burning Hunk
Feb 16, 2016
Garden State
[] Is this a wood destroying insect?

Saw a couple of these suckers hanging around my elevated woodpiles. Any of you know what it is?

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Looks like one of our native bores, the red headed ash borer that infests stressed, dying ash (including freshly cut ash logs).
If you season your wood for more than a season they should have completed their life cycle by the time you bring wood in to house.
Looks like one of our native bores, the red headed ash borer that infests stressed, dying ash (including freshly cut ash logs).
If you season your wood for more than a season they should have completed their life cycle by the time you bring wood in to house.

That's it! Thanks! The holes are identical to a few pieces of what I saw in a few pieces of in the pile. I have a pile of loose chips in the garage as kindlings but the big stuff are all outside. I do burn (trying not to) burn green wood but I carry them immediately and burn rightaway, should be ok.
Looks like a centipede. How about house centipede (Scutigera coleoptrata).
Never heard of it being a problem with wood. But here in SW Pennsylvania we call them silver fish. Outside they are fine. Inside it means your house needs cleaned

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We found it in the great room where the stove is, the house us air tight and we vacuum weekly, hmmm....the only place we can think of is coming from the wood...

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We found it in the great room where the stove is, the house us air tight and we vacuum weekly, hmmm....the only place we can think of is coming from the wood...

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It could certainly be hiding in a piece. They really are no big deal. I was just joking about cleaning the house more.
They are just a normal pest they don't eat wood and they will find a way in somewhere.

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I am used to seeing the slow moving short legged breed, not this sucker some high off the ground....

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That's a common house centipede. Also known as "nope nope nope nope" when you find one on the back side of your bath towel in the morning.
Never had it happen....but could only imagine.;lol
My wife had one in her dish washing gloves the other week and she found out that they bite. She said it hurt like hell to but the pain went away fast and it it didnt leave a mark
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