So I saw a small little blip of a report a while back, I actually totally forgot about it for a bit but I then saw a short online video of Nicolaus Copernicus, that 1500's era scientist that made the theory of the earth revolving around the sun and the basic solar system / universe theory.
This got my wheels in my head turning, mainly when I'm doing an mindless tasks like mowing the lawn, (we all think about different things, its human nature) I was thinking about how the earth revolves around the sun predictably, and how time is a measurement of distance, but then I started thinking about climate change, I agree that humans have contributed to climate change, but its unfathomable to exactly understand how much damage we caused vs what happens in cycles of nature, like volcanos, asteroid impacts, sun flares and such.
What I was wondering and I hope someone much smarter adds insight to my question, is are we just experiencing bad timing? Like, as the earth revolves around the sun, is the orbit track just in a cycle that is closer, allowing for our winters to be slightly warmer which then cascades to faster springtime melts and plants the seeds for a warmer summer in general?
What I'm thinking while on my lawn mower, is that even possible to happen? how would one measure of plot the actual orbitational paths and match that to the past 10,000 years to get a better handle on patterns to match up to soil / ice samples that are being pulled to see how the past climate was? Should I sell my house and get a smaller yard so I dont think these things?
This got my wheels in my head turning, mainly when I'm doing an mindless tasks like mowing the lawn, (we all think about different things, its human nature) I was thinking about how the earth revolves around the sun predictably, and how time is a measurement of distance, but then I started thinking about climate change, I agree that humans have contributed to climate change, but its unfathomable to exactly understand how much damage we caused vs what happens in cycles of nature, like volcanos, asteroid impacts, sun flares and such.
What I was wondering and I hope someone much smarter adds insight to my question, is are we just experiencing bad timing? Like, as the earth revolves around the sun, is the orbit track just in a cycle that is closer, allowing for our winters to be slightly warmer which then cascades to faster springtime melts and plants the seeds for a warmer summer in general?
What I'm thinking while on my lawn mower, is that even possible to happen? how would one measure of plot the actual orbitational paths and match that to the past 10,000 years to get a better handle on patterns to match up to soil / ice samples that are being pulled to see how the past climate was? Should I sell my house and get a smaller yard so I dont think these things?