He did not convince me of anything. He misses the definition of "consumer" and "job creator". If someone who makes money spends it on "stuff",,,they are consumers. If you take your money and start a company, you are a "job creator".
Someone making $15 hr, does not go out and start companies. It takes more money then that,,,so if you take away that larger amount of money some people have,,,jobs will not be created. A group of hourly workers will not start a company and create jobs.
If you raise wages, the price of the product has to also be raised, so will you again raise wages? . It is all simple math,,,
I started and own my own company. I make more money then my employees, and always will. If my company goes bankrupt and in debt,,the employees will not assume any of that debt,,,just me. The employees risk nothing,, I risk it all.
My employees make $15 hr, but I know other less skilled jobs that cannot pay that or they will go out of business. It is wrong to think everyone should make the same wage. The cost of supplies and raw materials and other things would quickly rise as a result of the min wage increase, since it is a cost for business to be added in,,,,quickly cancelling any short term benefit of raising of min wage.
In short,, I believe "middle out" is wrong,, middle class consumers do not CREATE jobs,,,they SUPPORT them after someone with money created them.