Local craigslist had a tree service advertisement for "Free Wood". I emailed the fella, and he returned my call. He is a tree service in the city north of where I live. I made it clear that I would not be interested in a 100 cord per month, but that if he was doing a job around me, he has a place to dump the logs. Phone hand shake was made.
He said that this will probably pick up in the spring and that he would be dumping 14,000 pounds at a time. Could be any variety of tree. No guarantee what will be dropped.
This would be sweet if he dumped a handful of trucks per year. I hope it works out....YEEEE HAWWW.
Moral of the story - keep your eyes peeled.
He said that this will probably pick up in the spring and that he would be dumping 14,000 pounds at a time. Could be any variety of tree. No guarantee what will be dropped.
This would be sweet if he dumped a handful of trucks per year. I hope it works out....YEEEE HAWWW.
Moral of the story - keep your eyes peeled.