I really like my Kuuma! I would buy it all over again and wouldn't change a thing from how things are currently setup. Although this is my first and only wood furnace, so I have nothing to compare it to. It's sooo easy to operate, even a caveman could do it. The computer takes ALL the guesswork out of maintaining the optimum fire. There is no visible smoke (pretty much only water vapor over under 32°) and my chimney only had a very thin layer of white powder after the first year of burning. Do a search on here for photos I posted of my chimney. The place who installed my chimney even told me there was no reason to clean it.......and they are in the business of installing/maintaining/cleaning them. The very top of my chimney still looks like new and doesn't have that black stained look most have after burning a year.
As far as your heating requirement, this will depend on your heat load. Our house has a very high heat load when it's very cold out (talking frost buildup on INTERIOR bathroom wall corner) and at times I wish it was capable of burning through wood a bit faster! lol We do have a lot of VOLUME to heat though. We don't care for it too warm, so we maintain 66°-68° in the house when it's very cold out. I weigh all my wood and keep a spreadsheet in order to track wood usage, BTU output and other things. Also keep a minute timer on my LP furnace to track it's usage. Last winter, when burning wood, 98% of the BTU's came from wood, 2% from LP. In a typical mid-western winter it would be pretty much impossible to burn through more than 6 cord a heating season with the Kuuma. I compared our heating requirement of our log cabin style house to that of my parents split level 2,800SF ranch by comparing our fossil fuel bills from previous years and similar HDD's (heating degree days). Theirs is very well insulated and ours, umm, not so much. Based on their heating requirement, our Kuuma would pretty much heat them out of their house on low!! Bottom line is, a lot depends on your heating requirement.
As far as burn times, one thing to keep in mind....wood only has so many BTU's per pound. If you burn 50lbs of wood in 10 hours vs 5 hours you will have half the heat output per hour during those 10 hours as you would in 5 hours....assuming constant furnace efficiency. Everybody wants to talk about burn times. That's great, but if you can't keep your house warm burning 60lbs a wood in 10 hours, that 10 hour burn time doesn't mean much anymore, does it?
Oh, customer service. How many times have you called a CS line and spoke directly to the owner?? This is what happens when you call Lamppa. It doesn't matter if you call or email, you WILL get a response within 24 hours. There is no "press 1 for english" or no CS center to call into with under-trained monkeys answering the phones reading off of a canned sheet of how to answer questions. It's a small family ran business in N. MN and they truly do care.
As far as is it worth it...? That's for you to decide. Just remember, you get what you pay for.