Not to start a break in thread, but what most engine builders I work with will do on a small, stock, air cooled 4 stroke is warm it up for a few minutes on lowish idle, then shut it down and let it heat sink for a few minutes. Start it again and vary the throttle up and down to about half throttle and work it for a few minutes while on a lighter load. When it's fully warmed up, start using it at about 75% for a few minutes, varying the throttle and load, then run it full tilt for a bit, but occasionally vary the RPM's up and down to help seat the rings. But warm up and varying the RPM's and load will help with a quality engine break in. I tend to not whip them too hard in the first 30 minutes at least, and occasionally vary the throttle and loads.
Change the oil after the first couple of hours, but replace and run non synthetic for the next several hours again. I like the HDEO oils for this, like Rotella T, but any 10-30 will be ok. Run and drain for a few more hours. I don't recommend synthetic until at least hour 6, but I generally wait until at least 10 hours. But vary the throttle and load from time to time and give it a chance to warm up a bit before you start splitting at wide open throttle(3600 rpm).
This is a short hand version of the procedure, but I've broken in hundreds of engines in a similar fashion, and they usually use less oil over their lifetime, and make a bit more power than folks who don't break them in properly.