First, it was not my comment that said the item was overpriced 5 years ago, I have no idea of the marketplace from back then and I am only looking for info regarding today's market. My comment is/was that asking $4095 + tax for a cash and carry BK Princess today is $500 higher than I believe it is worth based upon product substitutes, of which there are many. Since some stove manufacturers have succeeded in making pricing opaque, consumers are forced to seek out others for assistance and share information in an attempt at leveling the playing field. So far I have not received enough data to determine if the pricing is fair and so I still look to this posting and dm's to gather the information manufacturers and dealers have attempted to stifle.
Overpriced is based on what someone with cash today is willing to pay under the circumstances and what the item previously sold for and what substitute items exist in the marketplace. It will always be an opinion, never a fact. As for what leads to this situation, the answer will vary. Will I pay an extra $500 over last years price to secure an item in demand today, maybe. Is it overpriced, perhaps. I can say that a stove currently sitting in anyone's inventory that was bought and paid for previously is not price increased based on the current cost of steel, it is increased based upon a dealers desire to maximize its profit and/or greed at the expense of the consumer, which may not be viewed as a long term customer but rather a one time profit center.
Allowing manufacturers to create situations that reduce a consumers ability to price shop is why this, or any item, is available elsewhere for less (admittedly costs associated with higher cost locations are also part of the equation). When a manufacturer creates fences to limit the free flow of information at the expense of consumers, that is where the anti-trust path begins. Combine this with creating dealer protected territories that permit a dealer to refuse warranty service if you don't buy the item from them brings manufacturers even further down this road. I was told by several BK dealers I called that they CAN NOT sell to anyone not in their territory. THAT is fact, not opinion.
As for your opinion that this thread may no longer be useful, perhaps shining a light on business practices of manufacturers and dealers is exactly what this thread should be doing. This forum is for all consumers to exchange information, not just for fanboys or the creation of leads for dealers and manufacturers. If someone carries water for those involved in bad or illegal practices, perhaps their own bias or self interest may be getting in the way of a free exchange of ideas and information. Luckily, everyone is free to move on if not interested.
#rant over# - Not taking this personal
@stoveliker since I don't know you. But this whole buying experience has left me dirty and upset and I feel like I'm buying a mattress or a used car.