I am seeking advise on what material to line the inside of the chase pictured in the photo below. I have a stack of 1/4" Hardibacker on site, but started thinking I should be applying Durock 1/4 instead. If either of these materials are appropriate, should there be a free air space established between the framing and the Durock? Something tells me a saw this requirement 30 years ago when I installed my woodstove in an area where the walls were stick framed. I would seal the seams with the fireproof caulk to make sure the inspector was happy, unless someone could suggest a better way. Also, the concentric pipe will travel up approx. 17 feet before it exits the roof. Do I have to frame for some sort of fireblock at the 8 or 10 ' level? I provisioned for the 3"x48" vent up top as seen in the pic, and the "false ceiling" up there as well. Am I missing any detail? Fireplace will be 40k unit, max.