Sorry I have been absent for a while. My Mother passed away Tuesday morning.
I understand completely. We celebrated Mom's 90th birthday in December and despite the fact that she was not well then, It was a good time and she was really ready to go after that. I took a while and the end was tough, but she was ready and now is in heaven with my Dad and others. We sent a message to heaven that Grandma was on her way and the party up there was over! Just FYI.Sorry to hear that Chief. I lost Mom in December. Funeral on Christmas Eve puts a damper on the holiday.
Thanks. I will miss her every day too. But fond memories will persist. My daughter just called me to get my approval of her Eulogy. All I could say was Yes, I am so proud of you, perfect!My mom died in May 1990. I still miss her every day. My condolences, Chief.
My eyes tearing as I read this thread...Still have my mom....for now....gonna call her after I post this... condolences to all here who have lost loved ones. It seems to me we should celebrate cuz their going to a better place ....but we don't....They say "moms" are the hardest.....My condolances. My Mom passed away in 10/12. Feels like I'm more alone in the world now. Eyes tearing while writing this.
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