Minister of Fire
Agreed. And then you could buy yourself a nice new saw with the $600 you savedThinking I should go with the 27 ton splitter and save myself $600 if there is no real advantage in going with the larger splitter.

It takes air flow more than got to be able to carry the moisture oak will just turn your barn into a greenhouse...if you think about getting out of the pool on a warm day with no breeze, or one with a breeze (even if its a bit cooler out) you will dry off quicker on the cooler breezier day.I knew that oak tool a long time to dry, but I was hoping to burn this oak the winter of 2023. My firewood is stored in my pole barn, so there is plenty of space. It is uninsulated and metal siding. It can get quite hot in there during the summer. Is two full summers enough time, of am if looking at having to wait for the winter of 2024?
Some people with limited space for their wood stacks won't take (much) Oak because of its long cure time...and it sounds like yours is drippin wet