I have a greenwood 100 that is located 100 ft from my house in my shop and i have a MAJOR issue right now. the other morning before work i went out to fill the burner just like any other morning just like normal, but my fire had gone out and i messed with it for 45 minutes without success building another fire. it just wasnt happening. i switched everything back over to propane real quick before my ride showed up to for work. i work 12 hour shifts with an hour commute each way and by the time i get home its 11pm. my circulatory pump was shut off by my stupid mistake. while i was at work the fire had started up but before that happened i think my pipes froze underground. the water that was in my burner hadreached beyond my blow off valves temperature so i lost all my water that was in my burner and the pipes that are still above ground before they go out of my shop and into the ground. this unit was already installed when i purchased my house so im not exactly sure how deep the pipes are burried i just hope its beyond the frost level.what can i do to find out where my pipes are frozen. if it is underground what can i do to thaw them. i just hope i dont have to dig up the pipes to fix this