I'm finally getting around to hooking up the solar panels I got 6 years ago.
What I can't find is the plumbing diagram I had printed out. I have all of the parts; valves, temp gauge, pressure gauge, pump, glycol, expansion tank and so on. Coil has been in the tank since I installed it 6 years ago as is the differential controller. (I use it to monitor tank temps).
I've found a couple of diagrams but not the one I wanted. Yes, I've been to "Builditsolar"
Anybody have a nice, simple, descriptive schematic? This is a closed loop non drain back system. Meant to supplement DHW in the summer.
What I can't find is the plumbing diagram I had printed out. I have all of the parts; valves, temp gauge, pressure gauge, pump, glycol, expansion tank and so on. Coil has been in the tank since I installed it 6 years ago as is the differential controller. (I use it to monitor tank temps).
I've found a couple of diagrams but not the one I wanted. Yes, I've been to "Builditsolar"
Anybody have a nice, simple, descriptive schematic? This is a closed loop non drain back system. Meant to supplement DHW in the summer.
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