Hi everybody! I am new to the site and could really use some advise. This is my first season burning my new BK Ashford 30 24/7 to heat my house. House was built in 2018 and the stove is in the basement. I am burning a hardwood softwood mix that has a moisture reading all below 20% and is covered and stacked on skids. So i burned for 3 months with no issues and i never turned the stove back without first allowing the stove to be properly fired and the cat functioning. ( i read the stove manual) One morning after burning low for the night i reload the stove and burn it on high to bring it back into high active zone before running it for the day. I go to check on stove because i noticed the sound of something falling within the pipe and see my pipe temp is high. ( for sure higher than normal) I run outside and see a few small paper pieces of burned creosote in the air but no flames and smoke wasn't crazy. I run downstairs ready to close off the air and call fire department but everything is back to normal within a few minutes. The stove pipe temp is normal and everything seems fine. I let the fire die and call my chimney sweep guy to take a look before a burn again. He sweeps and only gets a cup of black fluffy stuff from the whole pipe and says everything looks fine. I start burning again but this time start to run the stove hotter to keep buildup down. Two weeks in and it happens again. To me it seems like it is burning off the nights creosote but i didn't think this is normal is it??? Stove has good draw and few turns. I will take some pictures and post to help. We are playing it safe and not burning tell i figure out what i am doing wrong or the stove. Any help would be great.