I went to a craigslist find today, big lot piles of trees. People all over cutting when I got there. To be honest it was sorta overwhelming trying to find "good" wood. I do not know wood very well. I need to study up. Lol.
In the end I loaded half a pick up with maple and some locust. I need to start going through the wood id posts and leaning because it really did get. Little frustrating. I was late to the party though as I was informed by someone else that the pro scrounges were there this weekend with cranes and dump trucks taking all the best wood.
On a good note i live being outside and cutting wood even if I have no clue what I'm cutting. I need to find out the key evidence to spotting something good
In the end I loaded half a pick up with maple and some locust. I need to start going through the wood id posts and leaning because it really did get. Little frustrating. I was late to the party though as I was informed by someone else that the pro scrounges were there this weekend with cranes and dump trucks taking all the best wood.
On a good note i live being outside and cutting wood even if I have no clue what I'm cutting. I need to find out the key evidence to spotting something good