hello everybody,
first post and really first time here on the site. so if this is in the wrong location i apologize in advance. the primary reason for me seeking advice from here is twofold. 1 being i have plans to heat my garage with a stove. 2ndly i am in search of information pertaining to biobrick/ pellet fuels and industry information?
the reason i am looking for the information is because i work for a wood flooring/ register company that produces every three weeks anywhere between 40,000 to 80,000 lbs of saw dust. we currently sell our saw to a company that uses it mostly for animal bedding and make next to nothing for it. so im looking to see if we can make our waste in to pellets and or biobricks.
thanks for having a look and any information is good information cause im at square 1 right now.
first post and really first time here on the site. so if this is in the wrong location i apologize in advance. the primary reason for me seeking advice from here is twofold. 1 being i have plans to heat my garage with a stove. 2ndly i am in search of information pertaining to biobrick/ pellet fuels and industry information?
the reason i am looking for the information is because i work for a wood flooring/ register company that produces every three weeks anywhere between 40,000 to 80,000 lbs of saw dust. we currently sell our saw to a company that uses it mostly for animal bedding and make next to nothing for it. so im looking to see if we can make our waste in to pellets and or biobricks.
thanks for having a look and any information is good information cause im at square 1 right now.