Hello! Just recently started exploring this forum although I have known about it for years. We purchased a new property that needs significant renovation and we are in the planning stage for this renovation happening Spring 2024. Currently there is a masonry chimney through the center of the house from the basement wood stove. The stove and chimney have seen better days (stove is too big, overfired etc, base of chimney is cracked and there are metal bands around it) so we need to address those at minimum. We are leaning away from a masonry chimney through the center of the house because of layout challenges. I was thinking of doing an exterior stainless chimney with a new stove in the basement which would be used for primary heat for a few years until a wood boiler can be installed to heat several buildings that are planned. The exterior chimney pushes the stove to an outside wall which seems less than ideal. If you were starting from scratch what would you recommend?