Just got a new Isle Royale installed and we're about one week into the learning curve. We noticed that the burn pattern is lopsided. The fire burns flame on the right side of the stove and doesn't burn flame on the left side until the right side is burned down to coals. Do stoves have their own "signature" burn patterns or is there something wrong? The creosote buildup on the glass is worse on the left side. Very little build up overnight on the right side glass.
According to the specs, I expected to be able to heat our 1500 sqft main floor with this stove for at least 8 hours. We are burning locust and oak, well dried. So far, the best we have achieved for a heat producing burn (that keeps the temp at about 68 degrees) is about 5 hours. I bought this stove so I wouldn't have to get up in the night... and here I am getting up in the night to keep the house up to temp (and really folks, it isn't all that cold in Virginia... ever!) What am I missing here?
We will be getting the OAK shortly. We used to have a BIS and that required a OAK to burn properly. We thought perhaps that was also the case here. We'll see.
When I close the doors, the "lock" position is sloppy - I don't get a satisfying "tight down" feeling and can overshoot the locked position very easily. Do I need a new gasket? This stove was the demo at the store... maybe it needs something adjusted? Controlling the level of flame is not difficult - damping down quickly snuffs out the flame.
Thanks for any help here.
According to the specs, I expected to be able to heat our 1500 sqft main floor with this stove for at least 8 hours. We are burning locust and oak, well dried. So far, the best we have achieved for a heat producing burn (that keeps the temp at about 68 degrees) is about 5 hours. I bought this stove so I wouldn't have to get up in the night... and here I am getting up in the night to keep the house up to temp (and really folks, it isn't all that cold in Virginia... ever!) What am I missing here?
We will be getting the OAK shortly. We used to have a BIS and that required a OAK to burn properly. We thought perhaps that was also the case here. We'll see.
When I close the doors, the "lock" position is sloppy - I don't get a satisfying "tight down" feeling and can overshoot the locked position very easily. Do I need a new gasket? This stove was the demo at the store... maybe it needs something adjusted? Controlling the level of flame is not difficult - damping down quickly snuffs out the flame.
Thanks for any help here.