Just got this thing installed on Jan 16th. Now that the weather has been warm I let it cool to look it over and clean it out before next cold snap. I noticed this on the plate where the blower air comes out. The plate looks warped now that it has cooled. The highest Ive had this was 650 measured just above door in the center with a handheld temp gun. I also have a thermometer on the upper right corner just above the door thats pretty close to my temp gun reading. Ive tried to be careful with this thing and never had it over that checking it frequently and never saw any glowing metal like the manual says to watch out for. Nothing else is warped, I did the dollar bill test with the door and its nice and tight. Im going to call the dealer tomorrow. Anyone seen anything like this on the i3100? I took a flashlight and dont see any cracks inside the box that I can see.
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